Italians brag that there are as many Italians living outside of Italy as there are living in Italy. What's below is something I found when looking for a way to find immigrants in Italy who might want to post on this blog.
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10 June 2015
Immigrants, Italy? No thanks

Italy finds itself between a rock and a hard place for the immigrant crisis and Europe is just sitting and watching. The ‘rock’ is the
and the Lega was also happy with it at the time but now it’s pretending to have forgotten about that.
The effects of the regulation are devastating for those countries of the EU that have a Mediterranean coastline as the migration flows are coming from the South and also from the East. No boat is travelling round Europe to land in Sweden or Germany. The migration flows are concentrated on Italy where the recognition of the status of political refugee takes many months or even years if an appeal is lodged and the undocumented migrants are well aware of this. The countries of northern Europe are the beneficiaries of this situation, while Italy, even thanks to faint-hearted ministers like Alfano and Gentiloni, is paying the consequences.
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